Version 2.3.1 (r3198) (20060705) ================================ The user database structure is changed. Now the majority of user info fields are contest-specific. For example, the `name' field (the user name) may be different for the same user (more precisely, for the same login) in different contests. In the previous versions all the user information fields are contest-independent, so change of the `name' field for one contest automatically changed the `name' of the user in all other contests, even had finished long ago. For backward compatibility with the accumulated user database the existing information about users are considered as specific to the special "default contest" (which has the indentifier as 0). This information is used, when no contest-specific information is available for a particular contest. However, as soon as an existing user (or an administrator) changes information about the user in the contest, a copy of user information fields is created and made contest-specific for this contest, so only the data for the contest is changed, but the default data is left intact. Only `login', `e_mail' and `password' user-settable fields are contest-independent. All other user-editable fields are contest-specific. The `read_only' field now means that the user information cannot be changed for any contest, except the registration password, which can still be changed. A new `cnts_read_only' field is added, which means that the user information cannot be changed by the user for the particular contest, but the team password can still be changed.