Version 2.1.47 (20060419) ========================= contest.xml ----------- A new attribute `simple_registration' is added to the element. If this attribute is set to the "yes" value, a simple new user registration scheme is used for this contest. When a new user account is being created for this contest by a `register' CGI program, the e-mail step is omitted, the new user password is shown immediately, so the user may proceed to the next stage of the registration immediately. super-serve, serve-control -------------------------- Editing of the new `simple_registration' attribute of the `contest.xml' file is supported. Editing of the new `always_show_problems' global configuration variable of the `serve.cfg' configuration file is supported. Users, which have privilege bits set in the contest configuration file are registered and made invisible in this contest automatically. When user capabilities are edited, 3 predefined set of capabilities are available: "Observer", "Judge", "Master". serve, team ----------- New global configuration variable `always_show_problems' is added to the `serve.cfg' configuration file. If this variable is set 1, the link to the problem statements is available to the participants in the `team' CGI program before the contest starts. New problem configuration variable `acm_run_penalty' is added to the `serve.cfg' configuration file. This variable is active only in ACM and MOSCOW contests and allows changing of the failed submission penalty. The standard value of this penalty for all ACM contests is 20 minutes, and this is the default value for `acm_run_penalty' configuration variable. For example, it is possible to define the `acm_run_penalty' to 0 to disable submission penalty at all. The `acm_run_penalty' variable may be defined in the abstract problem and will be properly inherited in the concrete problems. register -------- A simplified contest registration scheme is supported, if the `simple_registration' attribute is set for the contest. serve ----- Several bugs in the problem summary table generation for the KIROV contests are fixed. ejudge-setup ------------ The command to start `serve' in the probe mode for the contest 1 is added to the end of the generated setup script. super-serve, serve-control -------------------------- Editing of the `test_sets' configuration variable is supported. New standard checker `cmp_huge_int' is supported. Several bugs in the "Check contest settings" command are fixed. Editing of the `always_show_problems' global configuration variable is supported. Editing of the `acm_run_penalty' problem configuration variable is supported. userlist-server --------------- A team member cannot be removed, if the team is marked as read-only. libchecker ---------- New functions `checker_in_eoln', `checker_team_eoln', `checker_corr_eoln' are added. These functions check that the corresponding input file contains the End-Of-Line character (possibly after spaces) at the current position. All whitespace characters and the \n itself is removed from the stream. New standard checker `cmp_huge_int' is added. The checker compares a number in the output file with the number in the correct answer file. The maximal length of numbers is 1Mb. Whitespace characters before the number, `+' sign, and the leading zeros are ignored. serve-cmd --------- New commands team-dump-source, team-dump-clar, team-run-status are added. serve-cmd CONTEST-ID team-dump-source SESSION-FILE RUN-ID Outputs to the standard output the source code for submit RUN-ID. Viewing of the source code must be enabled for the contest, also the user must be the author of this submit. serve-cmd CONTEST-ID team-run-status SESSION-FILE RUN-ID Outputs to the standard output the status of the submit RUN-ID. The user must be the author of this submit. serve-cmd CONTEST-ID team-dump-clar SESSION-FILE CLAR-ID Outputs to the standard output the text of the clarification request CLAR-ID. The user must have permission to view this message.