Version 2.1.39 (20050811) ========================= Interactive editing of the contest settings and contest configuration files is supported. Editing is performed using the `serve-control' CGI program, which interacts with `super-serve' contest manager, thus to enable contest editing both `userlist-server' and `super-serve' programs must be running on the server. https protocol is fully supported. IP restriction rules of the XML contest configuration file now allows specifying whether this rule is applicable for https connections, http connections, or both. Thus it is possible, for example, allow access from limited number of IP-addresses using the http protocol and allow access from arbitrary hosts using the https protocol. Time limits with milliseconds precision are supported. The most recent version of the reuse library (4.2.0) and special support from the Linux kernel, as provided by the patch 2.4.31-cher2 are required for this. Support for detection of "Memory Limit Exceeded" testing error is implemented. This error is detected, if the program being tested attempts to increase its address space or stack size over the limits, defined in the contest configuration file. Also the most recent version of the reuse library (4.2.0) and special support from the Linux kernel, as provided by the patch 2.4.31-cher2 are required for this. contest.xml ----------- A new attribute "ssl" is supported in the element. The attribute may have the following values: "any" (default value, if this attribute is omitted), "yes", "no". The attribute defines the type of connection for this rule. If the attribute is set to "yes", this rule applies only to https connections, if the attribute is set to "no", the rule applies only to http connections. The "any" value means, that the rule applies to all types of connections. Number "0" allowed as the IP-address. It means "any IP address". For example, the following rules allow http (nonencrypted) connections from the localhost only, but secure https connections are allowed from arbitrary host. 127. 0 The form "A.B.C.D/E" is allowed in the IP-address field of the element. Here "E" is the number of bits in the network part of the IP-address. This, "192.168.0." and "" are equivalent. New capability bit EDIT_CONTEST is supported. If this bit is set for a particular user, the user is allowed to edit contest settings using the `serve-control' CGI program. serve-control,super-serve ------------------------- The `serve-control' contest management CGI-program and its server part `super-serve' are basically completed. Its use is now recommented for contest management. These programs also support editing of contest configuration files (contest.xml, serve.cfg) and creation of new contests from scratch and using existing contests as template. compile ------- A memory leak is plugged, which occured each time, when a compile request was processed. The command line option `-E' (filtering the configuration file through the external C preprocessor) is no longer supported. serve,run --------- The checksum (SHA1) of the test input data file and the correct answer file for each test are stored in the run testing protocol file. When these files are displayed the current checksum is compared with the checksum as stored in the file, and the warning is displayed in case of mismatch. The mismatch is possible, for example, if the test data file or the correct answer file were changed, but the submit was not rejudged. edit-userlist ------------- Selection/deselection of users is supported in the "View users" screen. Selection/deselection is performed using ':' key. The only command, which can be applied to the group of users is 'c' command - registration of the selected users for a contest. Mass creation of new users command is available in the "View users" screen. The command is performed using the 'm' key. A number of dialogs is then displayed. The dialogs are as follows: "Template for new logins?" - allows specifying a template for the new logins. The template must contain the only %d format specification (printf-style flag, width and precision specification are allowed, e.g. %03d). This format specification will be substituted with the number of the user. "Template for passwords?" - allows specifying a template for the passwords of the new users. The template must obey the same rules, as new logins template. "First number:" - the minimal number, which will be used in the generated sequence of new logins and passwords. "Last number:" - the maximal number, which will be used in the generated sequence of new logins and passwords. "Contest number:" - the contest number, on which all the newly created users will be registered. For example, if the login template is specified as "u2005%02d", password template is specified as "pass%02d", the first number is 1, and the last number is 50, then 50 new users will be created with logins u200501...u200550 and passwords pass01...pass50. The user id will be assigned for each user individually (the first unused user id). Thus the user ids form increasing sequence, but not necessarilly sequental. ejudge-setup ------------ The element is defined in the generated ejudge.xml file. This element is required for start of the `super-serve' program. serve ----- New global configuration variable `stand_ignore_after' is supported in the `serve.cfg' file. This variable allows setting the date, after which the submits are not shown in the current standings table. I.e. if a submit is received after the specified data, it will be tested, the testing results will be available for judges and the originator of this submit, but the public version of the current standings table will not be updated. The privileged current standings table will be, of couse, updated. However, changes in statuses of submits before this date will be reflected in the current standings table. The data is specified in the standard format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS This variable is useful, if a contest should be opened for additional unofficial submissions after the contest end to allow participants to complete solutions of problems. New global configuration variable `ignore_success_time' is supported in the `serve.cfg' file. This variable works only in the ACM contests. If this variable is set, the duration from the start of the contest to the successful submit is not added during calculation of penalty score for a problem. This variable is useful for contests, where there is no partial solutions (i.e. each problem is either solved, or not) and where the contest duration is not meaningful. serve-control,super-serve ------------------------- New global configuration variable `secure_run' is supported in the `serve.cfg' file. This variable is used only for interactive editing of the contest configuration files with the `serve-control' CGI-program. If this variable is set, the secure execution of programs is enabled, and the generated `serve.cfg' configuration file contains all necessary settings for the Linux, Linux-shared and Java architectures. serve,run --------- New global configuration variable `enable_memory_limit_error' is supported in the `serve.cfg' file. If this variable is set, the support for detection of the "Memory Limit Exceeded" condition is enabled for submits. New tester configuration variable `enable_memory_limit_error' is added. If this variable is set, the corresponding tester supports detection of the "Memory Limit Exceeded" error during testing. Not all testers may ever detect such error (for example, DOS or Java may not). This variable should be set for testers for the Linux and Linux-shared architectures (actually, during initial contest setup using the `ejudge-setup' program, or during editing of contest settings using `serve-control' CGI program, this variable is set for these testers automatically). The variable must not be set for Java or DOS testers because the corresponding virtual machines control the amount of allocated memory using their own means. Thus, detection of "Memory Limit Exceeded" error is activated only if the `enable_memory_limit_error' global configuration variable is set for the contest and only for testers for the Linux and Linux-shared architectures (i. e. for gcc, g++, fpc, dcc languages). New problem configuration variable `time_limit_millis' is added. This configuration variable allows setting of the problem time limit with millisecond precision. If this variable is set, the value of `time_limit' variable is ignored. Support for millisecond time limits is works only if the latest (4.2.0) version of the reuse library is used. If the linux kernel does not support millisecond time limits, the reuse library will emulate them using the standard second-precision time limits. New problem configuration variable `check_cmd' is added. This variable has exactly the same meaning as the the `check_cmd' configuration variable of the tester section. This variable allows specifying the template for the checker name for this problem. Because in the current version of the ejudge the checker does not depend on the architecture of the language (e.g. submits on gcc, dcc and java are checked by the same checker), the `check_cmd' variable was the same value for all the testers, so it is reasonable to move it into the problem section. The `check_cmd' variable of the tester section is preserved for compatibility, and has the priority over the `check_cmd' variable of the problem section, however, its use is not recommended, because editing of the contest configuration files using the `serve-control' CGI program does not preserve `check_cmd' variable in tester sections. serve ----- `-E' command line option is no longer supported. This option allowed filtering the configuration file through external C preprocessor. Now some sort of preprocessing is built-in, and the external preprocessor is no longer needed. Fixed a bug, when the audit record directory was created before the directory in which it is located. Because of this the `serve' program failed to start on a new contest. run --- `-E' command line option is no longer supported. This option allowed filtering the configuration file through external C preprocessor. Now some sort of preprocessing is built-in, and the external preprocessor is no longer needed. When the `run' program is started by the `super-serve' program, the inactivity timeout is counted starting from the end of testing of the program. In the previous versions, the inactivity timeout was counted from the beginning of testing, and if testing took too long (longer, than inactivity timeout), the `run' program exited right after finishing testing of this submit even if there are other submits in the run queue. In the ACM contest mode it is no longer required, that the sum of all test scores is less, than the full score for the problem. Since the default problem score is 25, the default test score is 1, if some problem had more, that 25 test, explicit specification of the `full_score' or `test_score' configuration variable was necessary in the problem specification section. Now this hack is not required. However, in the KIROV and OLYMPIAD contest the total score for all tests is still checked against the full score for each problem. serve ----- A bug is fixed in handling of the "Reset Contest" command. The bug was in the incorrect generation of the run database file, after which the `serve' program refused to work with this file. serve,master ------------ Changing contest duration from limited to unlimited and back is supported in the `master' CGI program. The unlimited duration is specified as "0". run --- For each supported language LANG the version script LANG-version is generated along with the compilation script LANG. For example, for the gcc language, gcc and gcc-version scripts are generated. The version script prints the version of its language to the standard output. Also, each version script supports two options: -f Print the language name and the language version to the standard output. -p Print the path to the compiler to the standard output. master,judge,team,serve-control,register,users ---------------------------------------------- The https (secure http) protocol is supported. The web server must be configured to support https, of course. master,judge ------------ On the main page of the `master' CGI program the total number of submits, which are currently being compiled or tested is displayed. The testing protocol viewing screen includes information about real time elapsed for each test, if this information is available in the XML testing protocol. In the contests with full_archive mode enabled, if the checksum of the input file or the correct answer file does not match the checksum stored in the testing report file, a warning is reported. serve-cmd --------- New commands are supported: serve-cmd CONTEST-ID dump-problems SESSION-ID-FILE Prints information about the problems of the specified contest in the CSV format (fields are separated with ';'). [0] - id [1] - short_name [2] - long_name serve-cmd CONTEST-ID dump-standings SESSION-ID-FILE Prints the current standings table in the CSV-format. The full version of the standings table (available from `judge' or `master' CGI-programs for privileged users) is printed. This command is equivalent to the "Dump standings" command of the `master' CGI program. serve-cmd CONTEST-ID dump-all-users SESSION-ID-FILE Prints the user database in the CSV format. The contest number is not used and may be arbitrary. serve-cmd CONTEST-ID get-contest-name SESSION-ID-FILE Prints the name of the specified contest. serve-cmd CONTEST-ID get-contest-type SESSION-ID-FILE Prints the type of the specified contest. One of the following strings is printed to the standard output: acm, kirov, olympiad. testlib ------- Added a testlib version for delphi/kylix. The fpc version of testlib is now installed to ${prefix}/share/ejudge/testlib/fpc, the delphi version is installed to ${prefix}/share/ejudge/testlib/delphi. If support for the corresponding languages was enabled during configuration of the ejudge system, the testlib files are compiled during installation. Path to the testlib library for the corresponding language is passed in the command line of the compiler when "Check contest settings" command of the `serve-control' CGI program is performed. It means, that the testlib files are not required in the checker directory of contests.