Version 2.1.36 (20050402) ========================= This version fixes several severe bugs in the `userlist-server' and `serve' programs. Upgrade to this version is recommented. The `compile' and `run' programs can again be built on the Win32 platform. The Cygwin suite is necessary for compiling on Win32, however Cygwin DLLs are not required for further running of the programs. Only Windows 2000 or above is supported. Windows 95, 98, ME are not supported. For compilation on the Win32 platform the latest version of the reuse library (4.0.1) is required. However, use of the latest version is also recommented for the Linux version of the ejudge system. Many changes are introduced in handling of contests in the OLYMPIAD scoring system mode. serve ----- Two new submit statuses are added to the run database: "Memory Limit" (RUN_MEM_LIMIT_ERR) and "Security Error" (RUN_SECURITY_ERR). They are handled everywhere in the ejudge system as like "Run-time error" (RUN_RUN_TIME_ERR) status. The new statuses may be used for more precise specification of a run-time error. Although the new two statuses were added to the run database, the `run' program currently does not support detection of these erors. This due to impossibility of reliable detection of these errors on Linux. The new statuses may be set only manually during editing of the run database. A new submit status "Pending" (RUN_PENDING) is added. This status is set on a submit, if the submit has been received by the serve program, but immediate testing of the submit is not available due to some reasons. For example, immediate may be disabled because of the problem or language configuration variables `disable_testing' or `disable_auto_testing' are set, or if testing was suspended in the contest by the "Suspend testing" administrator command (available via `master' CGI program). In the previous versions of the ejudge system, such a submit got "Accepted for Testing" (RUN_ACCEPTED) status. Unfortunately, the same RUN_ACCEPTED status is used for contests in the OLYMPIAD scoring system during the preliminary testing stage. So these two uses of the RUN_ACCEPTED status are separated and the new RUN_PENDING status is introduced. In the run filter expressions the new statuses are expressed as follows: PD RUN_PENDING ML RUN_MEM_LIMIT_ERR SE RUN_SECURITY_ERR compile ------- The program may be built on the Win32 plaform (see above). However, this version of the program did not yet get intensive testing on Win32 platform, so the Win32 support should be considered as being in alpha stage. compile, serve -------------- The format of the control packets, which are used to pass the compile requests from the `serve' to the `compile' programs and compile results from the `compile' to the `serve' is reworked. Now the compile request and reply packets use binary formats. Also the packets include timestamps, which are used for reporting of verbose statistics of the testing of each submit. configure --------- The Win32 platform is supported (currently only Cygwin, but with -mno-cygwin option, so the resulting binaries are Cygwin independent). edit-userlist ------------- Added partial support for operations on a group of users. When the list of users registered for some contest is viewed, it is possible to select or deselect any user using the `:' command. If several users are selected, the `r' command (change the registration status), the 'd' command (delete the registration), the 'i' command (change the invisibility status), the 'b' command (change the ban status), the 'l' command (change the lock status) are performed on all the selected users. If no one user is selected, these command are performed on the current user, as in the previous version. A new command 'c' is supported during viewing users regisered for some contest. This command allows registering one user or several users for a different contest. The 'c' and the ':' commands allows quick registration of all the participants of some contest for another contest. This may be used, for example, when a training session is prepared for all the participants of some contest, or when a virtual contest based on some real contest is prepared, etc. serve ----- Diagnostics of invalid filter expressions is improved. Now, if a user uses invalid keyword, the whole keyword is reported as invalid. For example, if a user uses `problem' instead of `prob', a error about invalid keyword `problem' is reported instead of reporting three errors about invalid characters 'l', 'e', and 'm'. A serious bug is fixed, which manifested itself when invalid filter expression was entered. In this case a block of heap memory was allocated, which size was specified by an unitialized variable, and this block was never freed. This bug may cause abnormal termination of the serve program due to out of memory condition and other subsequences. serve ----- Removed a limitation, that the total score gained for a submit (i.e. testing score with all the additional factors like timing penalties etc) could not exceed the full score of the problem as specified by the `full_score' problem configuration variable. The view of the current standings table is changed for contests in the OLYMPIAD scoring system in the preliminary testing mode. In this mode each of the preliminary tests is scored as 1 point regardless of its score in the configuration file (usually, 0 points). The problem is marked as accepted (i.e. in bold font), if it passes all the preliminary tests. The participants are arranged according to the number of accepted problems, and then according to the total score. In the final testing mode of the OLYMPIAD contest the view of the current standings table is not changed and is the same, as the view of the table of the current standings in the KIROV contest mode. serve, team ----------- The `team' CGI program also supports displaying the testing protocol in HTML format (see the `html_report' global configuration variable introduced in the previous version of the ejudge system). Although only judge protocols can be generated in the HTML format, a user views judge protocols, if the `team_show_judge_report' configuration variable is set in the contest configuration file. run --- The program can be built on the Win32 platform (see above), however, the Win32 version did not get much testing, so the Win32 support should be considered as being in alpha stage. serve,run --------- The control packet format, which is used to pass testing requests from the `serve' to the `run' programs and testing results from the `run' to the `serve' is reimplemented. Now the packets use binary format. Moreover, the packets now include several timestamp fields, which are used to report statistics about testing of a submit. run --- The judge's testing protocol now includes timing statistics about all stages of passing of the submit through all the compilation and running stages. The astronomic time of starting and finishing testing is reporting as well as duration of being in the compile queue, compilation, being in the compile result queue, being in the run queue, running. The statistics is printed by the run program, so the duration of being in the run result queue is not available. serve, master, judge -------------------- A new "Full rejudge" command is supported for the contests in the OLYMPIAD scoring system in the preliminary testing mode. This command performs full testing of the specified submit as if the contest was in the final testing mode. The command may be used, when the full judging of some submit (for example, some judge's solution) is required in the accepting mode. serve ----- Error handling is improved for errors, which may appear during receiving of a new submit from an ordinary or privileged user. If writing of the submit source code to the archive is failed the submit is removed from the run database. This fixes a long-standing bug, which manifested itself when there was no space on the disk for writing a submit source code. In this case the source code was lost, but an entry in the run database remained and had the "Available" status. A new field `judge_id' is added to the run database. This field may take values from 0 to 65535. When a submit is sent to judging or rejudging, the judging request is assigned an unique judge_id, which is stored in the run database. When the `serve' program receives a packet with compilation or testing results, it checks the judge_id as specified in the packet agains the judge_id as stored in the run database for this run. If the judge_id do not match, the received packet is ignored. This solves a problem when a submit being judged is rejudged. In this case the older judge_id in the run database is replaced with new judge_id, so the results of the older judging are ignored. This could not be guaranteed in the previous versions of the ejudge, because the older judging request could be completed first and change the submit status to the one specified in the run reply packet. The newer judging results then were ignored. The judge_id field occupies 2 bytes in the runlog entry structure, so the total size of all the used fields is now 64 bytes, and there is no reserved space remaining in the runlog entry. The size of the runlog entry is 64 bytes for a long time from the ancient text format of the runlog. Thus any extension of the runlog format will require major and incompatible change of the runlog format (for example, using 128-bytes runlog entries). A new format conversion specifier `%M1' is added, which outputs (as string) the value of the `extra1' field of the user information entry. The `extra1' field is not available for editing neither by ordinary user nor by the ejudge administrator. The current version of the `userlist-server' program uses this field when passes the information about the users registered for a contest to the `serve' contest server of this contest. The `userlist-server' program stores the value of the `grade' field of the first participant of the team to the `extra1' field. In the individual contests this field contains the grade (year of study) of the contest participant. So, the `%M1' format specifier may be used to report the grade of the contest participant of the individual contest. userlist-server --------------- A bug of dereferencing the NULL pointer was fixed. The bug manifested itself, when a new user was registered and no contest was specified, i.e. URL without contest_id parameter was used. For example, using the URL triggered this bug, but using the URL did not. The bug was introduced in the previous version, when the registration e-mail templates became supported. super-serve ----------- All the UNIX sockets, which are used to control the serve programs of all the managed contests, that are created upon start of the `super-serve' program, are deleted upon exit.